Call Me If You Get Lost
A small collection of handmade mugs, inspired by the work of Tyler Okonma, specifically, the "Call Me If You Get Lost" album, released in June of 2021 - shortly before I decided to pursue the idea of Mabel Ceramics.
Summer of 2021 was extremely pivotal for myself personally; I was 20 years old and it was my first summer single and living alone in a new city, fresh out of a three year relationship where I had given far too much of myself away for far too long. I have been a fan of Tyler, The Creator since I was about 12 - Tyler's rage and angst in his earlier music career resonated with my younger self, and this is really one of those things that only make sense in hindsight. I mean, should a 12 year old be listening to Bastard, Yonkers, or She? Hell no. But it was me and my headphones against the world. From an early age I knew that music, art, and moving my body were my outlets. I had a tough time forming friend groups as a new kid in middle school; so I'd run the track and listen to Tyler. My favourite songs of his back in 2012 were Inglorious, Sarah, VCR... The Odd Future Albums.. White...Oldie... Summer of 2012 I smoked weed for the first time, and met a few friends who had the same music taste and style as me. Becoming friends with these girls really shaped my teenage experiences; I really felt like a teenager - underage drinking, sneaking out, smoking weed, making trips to the city with friends to see our favourite bands and rappers - always pushing our way to the barricade and never afraid to get involved in a mosh pit.
As I grew up, Tyler's music evolved in a very similar way - I've consistently been inspired and amused by Tyler - back when he was ACE The Creator, during every era and album and project - to now experiencing Chromakopia... Tyler's peace with his past and self assurance and security in his mind, body, and ideas have all felt parallel to my own personal and artistic evolution. Tyler is pretty well known for being someone to keep an eye out for overlooked talent, skill, and style. Tyler encourages everybody to create for the sake of creating - create for yourself - the crowd will follow. Since starting my business, I've allowed myself to slip into the mindset of "creating what will sell" instead of creating what I feel truly called to create.
This collection of work was my way of encouraging myself to channel the bold creativity and passion that Tyler embodies, and to make a batch of work that means something to me - and to put it out into the world and see who else it resonates with.
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